Sunday, December 7, 2008

Track 2: Suddenly Seeking Contentment

Due to the fact that I have decided to brave the world and submit my body to the master cleanse (yes the one Beyonce did to get skinny for Dream Girls) I decided to thwart my hunger to distraction so BINGO! Yoga helped me find track 2. In yoga the teacher said find your contentment... as if those in the triangle pose were not already doing so I mean thats what us la people do seek... contentment in a society where being superficial is more than a lifestyle it is the way life here. However us Hollywood and Hollywood hopeful folks seek things like yoga or Whole Foods to make us feel better about the fact we work in an industry that entertains you in order to disctract you from opening the Wall Street Journal to read about what really matters in the world. Sigh as I digress that statement really stuck to me, I am not sure if it is because she kept saying it or if it really made me ponder am I content? I just could not find it so each pose after pose tree after pigeon I could not find it, finally the lights are dimmed we are in final resting pose I look around and then just close my eyes, the world stopped nothing seemed to matter and when she turned on the lights I realized I found it! The contentment I was seeking is nowhere to be found it just lurks and when you pay life no mind that is when the contentment is found. Namaste.

1 comment:

Tony Zaret said...

I still say you need to eat some vegetables or something. You're not getting enough nutrients from that maple syrup!